Advice and Information

Need help applying for your apprenticeship?
Causeway Apprenticeships has put together a few tips to help you on your journey to becoming an apprentice.

A guide to creating a CV that stands out!

A CV is your first chance to promote yourself to a potential employer. Your CV is a short, written summary of your skills, achievements and experience which relate to the apprenticeship role you want.

Here’s some great advice to make your CV stand out from the rest!

  1. Keep it simple, tidy and structured. Use:
    ·  tables
    ·  bulletpoints
    ·  bold to highlight the different sections
    ·  One font throughout eg Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri and font size should not be less than 11
  2. Keep to two A4 pages
  3. Make sure all information is up to date, relevant and truthful
  4. Don’t include your gender or age
  5. Thoroughly check for spelling and grammar mistakes
  6. Save as a PDF for emailing
  7. Include a Cover Letter with your CV

Steps to creating your Cover Letter

Many employers ask for a Cover Letter to be submitted with your CV. The cover letter is a response to a job advert and personal introduction to a potential employer.

It is your opportunity to explain why you’re the right match for the role and business.

Follow the steps below to help prepare the perfect Cover Letter

  1. Start by address the relevant person, and referencing the position advertised
  2. Stick to a three paragraph structure:
    a. 1st paragraph: Introduce yourself and identify the role you’re applying for. Give a brief outline of why you have applied for the job and why you’re the best person for the job.
    b. 2nd paragraph: Explain in greater detail why you meet the essential criteria the job requires. Give examples of why you’re suitable (detailing your skills and experience) and why you want to work for business.
    c. 3rd paragraph: Thank the business for taking the time to consider you for the position
  3. Keep your cover letter to one page only

Once you have your CV and Cover Letter ready, visit our JOBS page for some tips on landing the perfect apprenticeship job.

Got an interview? Tips to a successful interview

Interviews are nerve wrecking! But by following the steps below you will be fully prepared ahead of your interview.

It's all in the planning

  1. Research the business and the apprenticeship role. Look at the business’ website, social media sites and online reviews to understand how the business is viewed by others.
  2. Research and practice answering common interview questions.
  3. Read your CV and cover letter
  4. Plan your travel arrangements in advance of your interview day

On the day of your interview

  1. Dress professionally
  2. Arrive 10 minutes early
  3. Be polite and make eye contact throughout your interview
  4. Avoid fidgeting
  5. Speak clearly and slowly
  6. Listen carefully to the questions being asked
  7. Don’t rush your answers
  8. Ask questions at the end of your interview

Need some more guidance?

Contact the Careers Service for help by phoning 0300 200 7820, by email or WEBCHAT here